Optimize your nervous system and improve your overall well-being!

Do you:

  • Feel numb, down, depressed?
  • Feel irritable, frustrated, anxious?
  • Have chronic GI issues (bloating, IBS, SIBO, etc)?
  • Have poor sleep?
  • Have chronic headaches/migraines?
  • Have chronic inflammation and/or health conditions?

Then you should be interested in our online vagus nerve program to optimize your nervous system and improve your overall well-being?

Not only can you consciously tap into the power of your vagus nerve; you should.

Known as the “wandering nerve” in Latin, it begins in the brainstem and innervates the muscles of the face, ears, throat, circulation, respiration, digestion and elimination tracks. It accounts for 80 percent of our parasympathetic, or “rest and digest,” nervous system.

Sign up below!

January 24th-February 28th

Tuesday’s from 12-1 pm

Healthy vagal activity is associated with better physical and mental well-being. Otherwise, it can cause issues such as inflammation, heart disease, and strokes.

Consider Dr. Stephen Porges, a leading expert in developmental psychophysiology and developmental behavioral neuroscience. His 1994 polyvagal theory recognized the complexity of the nervous system.

There are three ways it expresses itself, starting with a state of social engagement, where we are joyful, present, grounded, and compassionate. Fight or flight, of course, involves frustration and anger, or fear and anxiety. And our “freeze state” is marked by dissociation and hopelessness.

There is also the fawn response, which involves trying please a person to avoid any conflict. This is often a response developed from childhood trauma.

Social engagement, naturally, is what we want to encourage the most for optimal existence. Fortunately, stimulating the vagus nerve can help us achieve that… and THAT is why we want to share this knowledge to help you take ownership over your nervous system!! 

January 24th-February 28th

Tuesday’s from 12-1 PM

What will be included?:

  • 6 live calls (will be recorded!) to dive deep into concepts: 
    • Polyvgal Theory
    • How to tune and tone your nervous system
    • Understanding your nervous system
    • Trauma
    • Vagal Tone
    • Breathing
    • Co-regulation and human connection
    • Mindfulness
    • Gut-Brain Axis
    • Self-regulation and recovery
    • Interoception
    • Heart Rate Variability
    • Neuroception (subconscious neural process of sensing danger, threat, and safety)
    • Craniosacral wisdom
    • AND MORE!
  • Access to our 25 vagus nerve hacks with simple how-to videos, other resources (yours for life!)
  • Guided audio meditations
  • Join our Vagus Nerve Facebook community


“Great program! Dr. Arianne is very passionate and caring! Two great qualities! Very natural! I really enjoyed the content and delivery! Something that stuck was the gut/brain connection. Thanks again!! 

Dr. Arianne is incredibly knowledgeable and also very approachable. She delivers complex information in an easy-to-digest format. She delivers the content at a good pace allowing time for questions, discussion, and explanation. The course is comprehensive yet not overwhelming. It is also nice to learn from someone who appreciates that every individual and their circumstances are unique and does not approach solutions as one-size-fits-all. I highly recommend taking courses with Dr. Arianne.”